Sunday 11 July 2021

Spain still has tobacconists. They sell cigars, fags, rolling tobacco and lottery tickets. When you walk in there is often a girl carrying a tray like they used to in cinemas carrying cigarettes, and other paraphernalia. These young women ask you, as you walk in the door, " are you a smoker?", " eres fumadora?, and I say, " no, I'm a gambler", soy apostadora", although I often forget and say I am an "apuestadora", which is incorrect and probably comes out a bit like "I am a bettererer/gamblererer". Then they fill my pockets with lighters I will never use that end up in a cupboard that runs the risk of bursting into flames every summer. Anyway, the bit I am getting at is I have a bet on Italy to win. I don't really care about sports unless I am betting or it involves champagne or some kind of velocity. Otherwise I get bored. I once went to an Arsenal match and kept cheering on the other team only because I was happy someone had scored, much to the annoyance of the Arsenal fans around me. If Italy wins I will be happy because of the bet, and because I love Italy, but also because I really do not want to listen and see those we do not mention, pretending to like football and be the biggest fans of England just because they think it will win hearts and minds cos it won't, and also, the people who normally hate the England flag pretend they love it just for today. If England win, I will lose the bet but I will be happy for the fans and especially the players as they, apart from playing well, seem like a decent bunch of men. The phonies and imposters can all go and f#ck themselves. 

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