Wednesday 7 July 2021

Lord John Kilclooney, former MEP, Crossbench life peer from Northern Ireland, who has been sitting on his fat arse in the House of Lords since 2001, tweeted that the Spanish football team didn't sing the lyrics to the Spanish national anthem, failing to realise that there are no lyrics to the Marcha Real. Lord Kilclooney has a face that ought to be on my list of Rate My Plate. Men, usually British who have a porcine look about them. Anyway, it's a little known fact but I was asked to write the lyrics to the Spanish national anthem. They went like this, " que no, que no, que no, que no, que no, que no, que no, que no, que no, que no, que no.....(pause)....que no, que no...(again in the same way, for ever)

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