Friday 9 July 2021

Breaking news. You know, the one I read so you don't have to. A lighter note. So you don't all get depressed. To give a sense of balance and reality. Ok, get the f#ck on with it. What now? Well, I guess it ties in with #meatgate, AKA #carnegate. The Spanish news that some ministers including the prime one have had a bit of a to do owing to one of them suggesting we all cut down on our meat consumption. Not one to let it lie I found out today that not far from here a member of the ovine family, a sheep, an oveja, fell three metres with some plastic netting wrapped round its neck. Some locals tried to help but alas had no feckin' clue as to how to release the poor creature and had to resort to calling the Guardia Civil. Being the experts in these things they had a special knife, (of course they did!), the one normally used for cutting police cordons and liberated the animal which promtly ran up a slope to be, and I quote, " reunited with his flock who were meandering in a meadow nearby". Life is beautiful.

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