Saturday 2 May 2020

Today is my birthday and it is also the day that the Spanish government has said it is OK to go for a walk or do exercise at certain times and under certain circumstances. You can walk within one kilometre from your home. If you want to do exercise you can go alone and so long as you keep within your municipality you can go as far as you like. I have had a look at the map and have figured out that I could run towards the foothills to a village called Apies except I don't run. I would only run if it was to get away from someone. As in rule number one. Leg it if need be. Why don't I like running? I realise it is because I went to a school that was pretty much run by sadists as I am guessing most English schools were in the 70s. Our school was a mad mixture of sadists and LSD dealing hippy types and that was just the teachers. The brutes were mainly the PE teachers. Evil bastards both the men and the women. I'm trying to remember their names, Mr Weller was one. Then there was Mr Carruthers who was eventually sacked. Not for snogging a twelve year old girl at the end of year school party. Not for positioning his cock on the table every time he had to be substitute teacher for maths. No it was for smashing a kid's head onto a table in a furious rage. Evil. Don't get me started on the girl's PE teacher. Her name I can't remember. I wonder why. It was something like Miss Turnbill or Miss Hornbill. What she did was abusive and can not be repeated here. When we were growing up we thought we were modern, contemporary. When we spoke to our parents and grandparents we would wonder, 'how did you live like that?' Such poverty and cruelty then. Now I realise I have entered an age where my tales must sound horrific to young people. May we enter a new age where we can still improve everything. This world is so much better than before and yet I still think we have a lot of work to do. Here's to the next 54 years, and may they be an improvement in all areas!

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