Tuesday 4 June 2019


There is a saying in Dutch that roughly translates as 'act normal, that's mad enough'. The president of the USA Donald Trump should take note. Meanwhile this president, as in me, has more pressing concerns. What now? You might ask. Well, while Donald is getting through the D Day  commemorations and trading chickens hopefully without drawing more attention to himself or humiliating others I have to deal with fish head bones chucked on the terrace, cigarette butts tossed in the air without any plan as to where they will land, a neighbour's discordant washing machine banging against the wall that makes the other neighbours' amorous antics seem quite quaint, clandestine picnics on the stairwell and other anti social behavioural activities. Part of me really couldn't give a shit as I have other stuff to do but being a president comes with its responsibilities. You know, organisation, administration, leadership and so on. I thought about writing a letter to everyone and rubber stamping it with Donald's head on it just to test everyone's attention skills but have been advised that a simple request for standard comportment will be enough. Finally there is the little known fact that I have in common with Donald. We both suffer from basiphobia. A fear of falling down and breaking my brass neck.

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