Sunday 16 January 2022

The state of it! Who? Boris 'The Cock' Johnson that's who. PM of the UK. Where? Photo in El Pais of him in a face mask that looks like he took it off to wipe his mouth clean of food and put it back on again. A feckin' disgrace! A man who looks like he wipes his arse with his towel. A man who needs to be told when to change his underwear. Gives true meaning to the expressions 'swivel eyed loon' and 'Turnip Taliban'. Words out that he had to be blocked in his office with chairs like a puppy or a toddler when he had Covid so when he bulldozed his way through, without said mask on may I add, staff could hear him, so had full warning he was on his way. How anyone in their right mind thought this guy could ever realistically be a PM only confirms how empty headed, celebrity obsessed and gullible folk can be. Except his family, his colleagues and so on. They all knew but did nothing to stop him and they complain when youngsters run off to join cults! A grown man, unhinged and proud of it left to run the country and during a pandemic. Well done the lot of you I say. Keep up the good work. Who next? Rishi Sunak? Liz Truss probably. They will put a woman in and sell the idea that it is always a woman who has to clean up the mess. Six months down the line it will be the same but without the alcohol. I could go on but am just getting over my third vaccine and I can just about stomach the news these days. Sack the bleedin' lot of 'em!!

Here he is....

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