Friday 17 April 2020


Spain calling. Everyone's favourite disenfranchised, tax paying, citizen of nowhere here. How am I ? Fine, apart from the scurvy, hemorrhoids and mild depression but thanks for asking. Anyway, you probably know by now that Whatsapp is imposing a limit on how many messages you can forward to slow the circulation of fake news. Some people especially conspiracy theorists and the far right think the government or governments are doing this to control us all. It's seen as some kind of censureship but you'd never know it as I can still hear them bleating on like there's no tomorrow with all the excitement of a 14 year old boy who has just discovered Hitler or worse, David Icke. People who really haven't stopped to think about how harmful and depressing they are because it's everyone else's fault and they don't have the soul to shut the fuck up and do something kind for once in their lives. Folk who believe the first thing they hear or see and accept it because otherwise it might mean having to educate themselves. I'm actually delighted the fruitcakes, including the far right in Spain are encouraging users to move over to Telegram, the messaging service used by ISIS, organisers of gun rallies, mass shootings and so on. The one run by two Russians who must be having a right old laugh at the abundance of bullshit merchants in the so called civilised world and profiting from it. Great, now I don't have to be the 200th in line to receive what was first sent out by some hard core lunatic, filtered its way through dozens of degrees of separation to land in my lap in the form of some half baked tin foil hat idea cooked up in the brain of someone who has never read a book and is happy to go through life without thinking, forget critically. Whatsapp has an encryption that ensures that only you and the person you are sending to can read the message, but you know I'm probably lying because encryption means secret code and you now want to believe I am part of that secret code. You probably think I vote Labour. So yes, I am relieved they have all moved over to Telegram where they can all talk shite together and leave me the fuck alone with my own devices. 

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