Saturday 14 March 2020


When Italy declared they were going to close down the country lots of people panicked and got on trains to get to other parts of Italy mainly to be with their families or out of fear the virus was coming to get them. Here in Spain a state of alarm was announced yesterday and many felt sick to their stomachs but immediately started to be practical, sorting out how they would be able to work, who was going to look after the kids and so on. What did lots of people from Madrid who have second homes along the costas or up in a pretty village in the Pyrenees or as far away as Galica do? They got in their cars, jumped on trains and buses to get to said second home. On the train to Murcia an elderly man, late eighties, who had been told to go home by doctors in Madrid and isolate thought they must have meant his second home in Murcia. He got there did a bit of supermarket shopping with his wife and is now in intensive care in a hospital. His wife, like everyone else is now at home but alone. The mayor made it quite clear what he thinks of this and has decided to close everything except chemist's and food shops. Apparently there have been bus loads of people turning up asking what touristy things are on offer thinking the state of alarm is just a holiday. We are all going to get this virus whether we like it or not, but the thing is, and the Italians and Chinese have both said the same, we don't want to all get it at the same time and we don't want to give it to doctors, nurses, the cleaners and so on. You know, the people who will do their best to help us stay alive and herd immunity or not, we want our doctors and nurses to be as healthy as possible to do their job of looking after and curing us. On top of this if you have an accident or stroke and get to the hospital but it's full of people on life support because they all have pneumonia, the medics will have to decide who to treat. Common sense people! If you feel ill stay at home and if you get really sick, meaning pneumonia go to the hospital, where hopefully they will be able to give their all to help you and just hope it's not full of reckless dickheads. 


Deirdre Crowley said...

So well phrased Annmarie, amidst all of the new corona virus behaviours...we can but wait and see and observe the outcome. Just keep this viris away from you personally...🌈🤟🔥💛

Deirdre Crowley said...

Virus* 🔥