Tuesday 2 April 2019

Right Honorable Prick

Mark Francois. Never 'eard of 'im. Yes you have. Rife, inescapable. He seems to have taken over from all the other abominations. NF, Katy Hopkins, Rees Mogg, and in the interests of equality, Anjem Choudray, George Galloway and that tosspot from the Labour Party. As one mouth shuts another one opens. In his head he thinks he is Michael Madsen in Reservoir Dogs but he actually looks like Billy Bunter, always waiting for a postal order that never turns up to pay off his debts. The living embodiment of the seven deadly sins. Always on the scrounge. The Owl of the Remove. He looks like he could benefit from a swift kick in the right honourables. Right honourable prick. The end.

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