Sunday 20 June 2021

I'm listening to Spanish Radio, Radio 3 to be precise and there's a programme on called Circulos Excentricos. Tonight it's all about Post Brexit groups in the UK, and titled, ''A new wave of Post Punk?'' About the birth of so many groups rebelling against the recent political events in the UK, particularly Brexit, described as a mirroring of what happened in the 80s, under Thatcher etc. The DJ says the young people in the UK realise there is now a regression at all levels. He says it is too early to label these bands or if it is a movement but that he promises the bands the listeners are about to hear are all ''spectacular'', and I can't argue with that. 
Squid, Idles, Fat White Family, Porridge Radio, Shame, Goat Girl, Black Midi, Black Country, New Road. 
My conclusion as to why so many great bands came out of the UK and still do, I think it is because there is always some kind of fight against the c#nts in power, plus no one is ever happy. 

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