Monday 23 September 2019

I had a dream where lots of things were happening at once. At one point I was participating in a programme about art. I think this programme exists in real life. In reality the presenter was in Morocco and he was buying up concrete slabs. He said they were old drain covers or were tiles in a sewer, something like that. He was buying them next to nothing, mounting them and selling them to some mug in England for a million. At one point he was beside himself when he bought an old tap. He said he could imagine it on a wall with the water gushing into the sink. In my dream the Barclay brothers who look like Gilbert and George, had bought Brexit and had covered it with a jelly mould. They said something to me on the lines of 'we've bought Brexit. It's ours now. You have no say in the matter.' Well, someone pass me down that opium pipe!

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