Saturday 23 March 2019


Well. As opposed to so. It had to happen didn't it? How the foreign press kept saying Spain was unique in Europe. The only country that didn't seem to have a far right party. 'That's because we already have the PP!' laughed some Spanish people. Lurking in the background was something else. It never goes away, does it? Oh come on, what is it? The party whose name we don't speak of in this house. The party who only seem to have come to light since the begrimed American who looks like he goes to bed in his clothes went to pay them visit. The tea party tea bagger type with a face that suggests he drinks to much and eats too many sausages type of fucker.The party who look like a bunch of homophobes who secretly wish they were gay but just haven't got the bottle. Yes, that one. They are coming to town next Tuesday, aren't they? In the conference hall nearby. Does the horror ever end? 'They' are already here but I am thinking of going to their event, their lecture, their party political broadcast, their circus of death just to see who their supporters might be. 'But then people will think you are a supporter if you go!' my friends say. Not if I am dressed in a burka. That way everyone will be pissed off and we might get somewhere. 'They won't let you in if you wear one'. So, it has to be something else. Throw eggs? Wear a raincoat, naked underneath and 'flash' at everyone as they pass by. Anything to cause a scene and get arrested? Anything, just so I can say that I did something, anything to inject some humour or spice into this mind numbing, soul destroying, political shift in the wrong direction.

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