Sunday 20 March 2022

I have read that some people think that we shouldn't be mean to Russians just because their leader is a bit of a c#nt. I quite agree. That would be mean and just out of order especially if said Russian is not a stinking rich c#nt who works for Putin. I know this kind of hostility as I have been bashed for being British countless times. Too numerous to mention. Americans get it in the neck anytime their leader decides to invade somewhere else and kill loads of innocent people. Americans can always plead that they are Canadian and traditionally people back off. I have been on occasions refused service in a shop on account of the Iraq war for example. I've been held personally responsible for all the world's ills thanks to being born in the UK. I was once thrown out of dinner because a rancid, fascist decided I was the root of all evil due to the British empire and being a holder of a British passport. Without giving his nationality away the only retort I could think of was, ''you are just envious because ours ( ours!) was more of a success''. So, while sympathising with the Russian's plight, I can't help thinking that like the Americans and British before, the Russians can all go and fuck themselves. 

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