Thursday 3 September 2009


Thanks to the above I have just made everyone a cup of tea. Or at least I wish I could if you were all here. Like 40 per cent of the rest of Aragon I am suffering from post holiday blues. I misread the article in the local papaer and thought the depression was Aragonese depression but I guess it stretches all over the place and not just here. There is a light at the end of. I got a call and am wanted in the local library to read to the kids so that gives me a boost. I just need to win the lottery or write a film script that would sell well and then I can ship in the folks and friends who are missed.

One thing I did like was the storm the other night. I hung onto the balcony in order to get closer to it and relished all the elements involved. Henderson got hit on the hand by a hailstone. I thought he'd been struck by lightning the way he cried out. My favourite tree took a lashing and most of it was last seen floating down the river that was once our street.

Not much is happening apart from the visual stuff which happens to be an obese gypsy who lives a few doors down and has taken up position on an old chair that he leaves in the street that leaves him looking like a sultan. His entourage seems to grow by the day and will need a sofa soon. The plan to pedestrianise this road has arrived sooner as he takes up most of the space. Long may he reign.

Things have been quiet on the neighbour front and I wonder how Piti is getting on with his 'operation' that he is supposed to be having, hopefully before he heads back here from Teruel in October.

Lastly, the fear and loathing that is the swine flu and all it entails is creeping in here. There does seem to be a big campaign to get the kids to wash their hands and no plans to close schools or vaccinate teachers. It all seems like common sense as opposed to the scaremongering I saw in the British press a while back. However, I did read in the local press that a man, a nurse at the hospital had a severe bout of it and was hospitalised only to find himself alone in a room and only his mum to change the bed linen. He claims the other staff just slid his tray of food through the door before running off. My hayfever has kicked in five months late and everytime I sneeze I get paranoid looks. Or maybe it's me.

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