Sunday 28 April 2019

Hi fans, Dr Ruth here. Update on the goings on next door. I was reading the Dream of the Celt by Mario Vargas Llosa as recommended by the locum doctor and was at the bit when Roger Casement discovers the great lie of colonialism in the heart of the Congo, and with all the injustice and violence begins to feel Irish, when I heard the inevitable. The bed springs and the predestined sound of a headboard banging into a wall. Yes, they, the neighbours, were at it again. I was reminded of the cleaner where I used to work. Her name was Joyce and she used to confide in me about her concerns that there was too much sex on TV. 'Bonking they call it', she would say. Yes. Bonking. This was the same Joyce who told me on a hot day that I should be drinking a spoonful of salt to a kilometre of water but that's another story. Anyway, my mobile pinged and it was a message from my other neighbour Nadine up on the third floor. 'Your neighbours'.... 'They are at it again'......'I can hear them up here'. I wanted to write back, 'yes, I know, good for them, at it like hammer and tongs', but I wasn't sure how to say that in Spanish. Perhaps it would be vigorosamente? Con vigor? Con vehemencia? Con toda? Con ganas? A todo leche, o todo tren perhaps? I was half expecting Mr van de Ven to appear on the scene and shout the equivalent of 'put a sock in it!' but he was beaten to it by a neighbour round the back who roared 'os podeis callar de una puta vez, por favor!' which I think needs no translation.....

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